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All CollectionsClubworx User GuideMember Payments
How to Create a Payment Authority Waiver
How to Create a Payment Authority Waiver

This article will show you how to create a waiver that allows your members to update their billing information.

Updated over 9 months ago

There are two ways to update a member's credit card in Clubworx. The first way is to do it manually by going to the member's profile page and clicking the Add Credit Card button in their Wallet.

For this article, we will focus on the second way to update a member's credit card and that is by using a Waiver. In order to use this method, you will need to have Stripe or EziDebit as your integrated payment processor.

Step 1. - Create a new waiver

 From the left hand side menu, click Waivers .Then click the + New Waiver button.

Set the options at the top of the waiver to Sign up new Members and All Contacts . Make sure that the option Waiver Requires Review is ticked. This will allow you to merge and review the waiver when it is submitted.

Step 2. - Hide the Sections You Don't Need

In this scenario, we are only looking to update the member's billing details so you can hide any sections you don't need. Scroll down the page and click the Show/Hide button to hide the section.

*Please note* It is recommended that you hide/ turn off the membership section of the waiver. If the membership section is turned on, this will add a membership to the member. If an existing active member is updating their payment details this could add a duplicate membership to their member profile.

Step 3 - Show the "Payment Authority Section"

The most important thing we need in this waiver is the Payment Authority section. Make sure this section is set to Show. If applicable, make sure to tick the box to share payment method with dependents. This is especially important if you have a lot of families as members.

Step 4 - Fill out Electronic Consent acknowledgement

We recommend getting country/state based legal advice to add this information. The purpose of this section is to explain to the person that is signing this document that they are engaging in a binding agreement by using their e-signature or ticking the acknowledgement box.

Step 5 - Save + Publish

Your payment authority waiver is now ready to be sent out!

Step 6 - Send the Waiver to the Member

In this step you will send the waiver directly to the member from within their profile page. To do this, go to the member's profile page and click their Waivers tab.

Then click Sign New Waiver and choose the credit card update waiver you created from the dropdown. Click Send Link to Member and then the Send Email button.

This will deliver an email to the member inviting them to sign the waiver. Once the member enters their credit card information into the waiver and submits it, their account will be automatically updated.

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