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Why didn’t my booking work?

The calendar has certain rules that may prevent a booking from being placed successfully.

Updated over 5 months ago

There are rules in the event and/or memberships that limit the number and type of memberships that are able to attend events.


When the event is set up, the following sections can limit class numbers. If the number has been reached, any further bookings will be unsuccessful.

Type:  The type of event can be set to only allow certain memberships access to the event. This works in conjunction with the limitations that can be set up in the membership profile. Martial arts studios can also limit the style of class here.

Max attendees allowed:
This will limit the number of attendees that can be booked into a class.

Max prospects allowed: This will limit the number of free places that are available in the class.


There are various ways that a membership plan can be set up to limit the classes that a member is allowed to attend.

Membership start date: Members will not be able to book into events that occur before their membership start date. 

Expiration/end date:  If the membership has expired the member will not be able to book into an event.

Class access

Number of classes:  The number of class attendances allowed for the membership can be set to unlimited or specified to limit the number.

Frequency of classes:  The membership can be set to limit the frequency that a member can attend a class (e.g. one class per week).

Type of class:  The type of class that a member can attend can be limited. Martial arts studios can also limit the style of class here.

For any further questions or queries, please don't hesitate to contact support via

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