To access this feature in your Clubworx account you will need to:
Be using Ezidebit or Stripe as your connected Payment Provider (read more here).
Create a real time payments account with Ezidebit. Please contact us on if you would like any assistance with getting this set up.
What is Book and Pay?
This feature allows you to create a simple weblink so someone can book into and instantly pay for a specific class / event or series of classes/events online. You'll be able to send your existing contacts to book into events from emails or SMS, or create a button on your website for members or visitors or to book into your classes anytime.
Setting up your Book and Pay events
Head to your Clubworx calendar and ensure you have created the classes, course or event that you wish to make available for bookings online. You will need to set the event type to a particular type that you can reference later. So for an example, let's set the event type to one called "book and pay". If the event is already in the calendar, this step may be a simple process of setting the event type field for those existing classes or courses (if it does not have a type set). For more information on setting up events/classes please see here.
2. Next, you'll need to set up a Membership Plan that allows access to these events. There are a couple of restrictions on how you create the membership plan for a book and pay event:
The plan must be for a single upfront payment
You will need to restrict the membership plan by at least one event type.
Once the membership plan is saved, head to "Manage Checkout Plans"
You will need to switch the Enabled? option on as shown below. If you wish to link it to your website calendar, enabled that option as well. You can also collect marketing info for Prospects, by toggling on Collect Marketing info.
You can now click on the 3 dots at the end of the row of the specific membership plan to copy the link to the Book & Pay page onto your clipboard.
You can paste the link into messages to your members and prospects, or use it for a button hyperlink on your own website - But for now, let's copy it into our URL address bar to see what the page looks like.
The first page will ask the member, prospect, or lead to enter their email address:
If the member or prospect's email is in your Clubworx account, then their profile will show on the right panel under "contact info". If it is a totally new email (like we're using here) then it will just show their email address:
Then they can choose their event (in this case there is only one class with the type restriction for this book and pay membership - so we'll choose that one!):
Because this is a new email that is not in the system, they will be asked about marketing information (if you have the Marketing Information section turned on in the Customize Contacts section of Clubworx):
After clicking "Continue", they will be taken to the Payment Information page.
Please note that the payment information they enter will not carry over in to the Clubworx wallet - this information is not held.
Then, they will be taken to the booking confirmation page:
Once the class is booked and paid for there are a number of ways that this can be represented in your Clubworx account, depending on who booked and paid:
If the purchaser is not in the system at all, then a new member profile will be created.
If the purchaser is a prospect, they will be converted to a member.
If the purchaser is a member, they will stay a member and have the membership added to their profile.
They will also be booked into the event on the calendar:
If you have any further questions or queries, please reach out to