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How do I grade my students?

When you are ready to grade, use our report to simplify the process

Updated over 2 years ago

Grade your members

Clubworx generates a report of students who are ready for promotion according to the the rules you have set up for your ranks.

To access this report, click Gradings in the side menu:

Then click the New Grading tab:

If you have any members that meet the criteria for promotion, they should already appear in the Ready to Grade report. If there is someone who has not met the criteria but you wish to grade anyway, you can manually add them by typing their name in the text box and selecting it. Additionally, you can filter this page to show All Active Members in the Style instead.

Tick the box next to the members who you wish to promote. You can tick the top box to select all members. Then select the Add to Grading Event button:

  • (1) On the next screen add the name, date, and time of the grading event

  • (2) After this, choose the date that you want your members to RSVP by.

  • (3) If you need strict numbers, you can also make your RSVP date mandatory, to avoid late RSVPs (this is optional).

  • (4) You can also add a grading fee, which will be added to the member if they RSVP that they are attending (if you don't have a grading fee, you can leave this as $0).

  • (5) If you add a grading fee, you'll just need to choose which date you'd like the fee to be charged:

Now that you've created your grading event, you can select members in the event and:

  • (1) Select members individually or in bulk to action

  • (2) Change their RSVP manually

  • (3) Update their grading fee if they have one

  • (4) Promote your members

  • (5) Keep their current rank

  • (6) Remove them from the grading event

  • (7) Bulk add more members using a report

Make sure you remember to invite your attendees! To do this, click the members that you'd like to invite then click Send Message - We've already created an RSVP template for you!:

Then you just confirm the recipients just like a regular bulk email:

Make sure you click Send Emails on the final page!

Your members will then receive an RSVP email like this:

Clicking the link will take them to the RSVP page where they can choose their status:

After this, their RSVP will be automatically updated for you, and the grading fee added (if you have one for the grading event)

Past Gradings

To view your past gradings, head to Gradings (1) then Past Gradings (2). If the grading was a grading event, you can click Grading Event (3) to view the event. If you wish to download a .csv of the grading information you can click the Download Icon (4)

Clicking on the date of the grading will show a summary for that grading.

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