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Dispute Charges

Do I get charged for disputes?

Updated over 2 years ago

When your business receives a dispute (also called a chargeback), the payment amount, as well as a separate dispute fee levied by the card network, will be deducted from your account balance.

Card networks apply this additional dispute fee to help protect cardholders and discourage dishonest or fraudulent business practices that could lead to chargebacks. The network fees for chargebacks are imposed regardless of whether you choose to dispute the chargeback, and regardless of the outcome of any given dispute.

* Whether you win or lose a dispute, card networks charge Stripe a fee in either case which in result is charged to any disputed CoachRx account. Therefore a $15.00 dispute fee per dispute will be processed towards all CoachRx accounts that are disputed.

The fee for disputes varies by region, and you can see more on the Stripe pricing page.

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