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Activity Report

Export all message activity for your organization.

Kristy Koyle avatar
Written by Kristy Koyle
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Admins can access the Activity Report from the Dashboard by selecting the icon on the far right of the Recent Activity grid. The report can be filtered by date, then downloaded to show all message activity for your organization.

The Activity Report serves as the source of truth for messages sent through the system for the last six months.

If you have a long-term system of record, we recommend migrating delivery confirmation records to it on a regular basis.

See Data Retention for more information regarding timeframes.

This report can also be used for improving workflows in your organization or for Meaningful Use attestation.

Download Activity Report

  1. Select the desired date range for the report you wish to run.

    1. This report can include all message activity from when your organization started using the system, and the data will always be available.

    2. If your organization has significant message activity, you may need to select shorter date ranges.

  2. Select Download Report

  3. The report will download as a .csv file.

Activity Report Columns

There are several columns of information available to you in the report. Please see the following explanations for each:

a. Subject - the subject line of the messages which corresponds to Configure Releases for patient faxes and Direct messages, or the hand-keyed subject line for Non-PHI faxes.

b. Patient Name - the name entered in the Patient Information field of a patient fax or Direct message.

c. Id - a unique identifier for this message.

d. Acknowledged By - the email address of the user who Acknowledged a failed message.

e. Failed Message Id - a unique identifier for a failed message.

f. Message Type - a type 1 message is located in My Intake; a type 2 message is located in Release.

g. Status - status of the message, eg Received, Delivered, Forwarded, Failed, Bounced.

h. Date - date and time the message occurred; all times are in UTC.

i. To - fax number or Direct address the message was sent to.

j. From - fax number or Direct address the message was sent from.

k. Origin - where the message originated from, including: Fax (for received faxes), Surescripts (for received Direct messages), API (for messages sent from an integrated system), Consensus Desktop (for messages sent from Desktop), Triage (for messages created via the Triage process), and Consensus_non-patient (for messages sent as Non-PHI faxes).

How to use Activity Report information to pull up a message

If you would like to view the attachment and other details of a message you have identified on the Activity Report, you may do so by following these steps:

If the Message Type in column f is 1, add the Id from column c at the end of this URL: The resulting address will load the corresponding message in My Intake.

If the Message Type in column f. is 2, add the Id from column c at the end of this URL: The resulting address will load the corresponding message in Release.

Convert UTC time

To convert UTC time to local time in Excel, insert a new column after Column G. In this column, the formula requires that we know how many hours to remove to accommodate for UTC. For MST, that is 7 hours, so the formula for row 2 is =G2-7/24. Ensure the cells for H are formatted as Custom m/d/yyy h:mm.

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