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Become a CCK Affiliate Partner
Become a CCK Affiliate Partner
Updated over a week ago

How to Join the CCK Affiliate Program

Note: To apply to be a CCK affiliate partner and earn recurring monthly commissions, first visit our affiliate dashboard to join. If your affiliate account is approved you will be able to share your affiliate link with others in order to earn a commission on all paid plans.

Affiliate Dashboard Overview

Once your affiliate account has been approved by the CCK team, you can access your Affiliate Dashboard from the CCK homepage, head over to and click on the Affiliate Login in the menu as shown below. You might want to bookmark this page to refer back to each time you would like to access your dashboard

On your dashboard you will be able to view how many clicks you had on your affiliate link, the amount you have earned as well as the payouts you have received.

You are able to set the different reporting view according to specific dates or daily, monthly or yearly.

Where to Get Your Affiliate Links

A default affiliate link will be provided to you upon signup, however, you can create additional Affiliate links for different campaigns or share them with different audiences within your Affiliate Dashboard.

Click "Create a Link" from your Affiliate Dashboard to create new links.

In the first field - you will be able to personalize the link you will share with others. Enter any extension you would like in this field. As long as that extension is not taken (ie: used by another affiliate) you can use it.

The second field within the window is the "Redirect" link - meaning the page on CCK that visitors will see when using your link. This must be an existing page on

Leave this field blank if you'd like people to go to the home page.

If you'd like your visitors to go straight to the Templates page or the Register page or perhaps a page that was set up for you in collaboration with CCK - you can enter THAT "Page URL" extension in this second field. (See example below)

You can always view the Page URL and get the extension by navigating to the page on CCK and taking note of what is in the URL bar. (See example below)

Share a Funnel or Website on Your Own CCK Account With Affiliate Links

As a CCK Affiliate you also have the ability to share a funnel or website template with your affiliate link already built into your share link for the template, offering the ability for others to create a copy of your template you have created and also receive commission as an affiliate of CCK.

Navigate to the funnel or website you would like to share a copy of, click on the settings icon on the right and click share. (See examples below)

Sharing a funnel template, select the funnel view at the top

Sharing a website template, select the website view at the top

Here you will be able to select the link you would like to share including including your affiliate link. Simply click on the Link Icon to the right of the link to copy and paste it where you would like to share the link.

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