Create Membership Types

Manage Membership Types

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Create and edit Individual and Family membership types.

  • Use Cases: Each registered person on the platform must have a membership type (e.g. guest, full member, etc.). System users can create and assign membership types to grant club-specific platform permissions, restrictions, and fees. For instance, a system user could create one membership type (and price) for renewing members and another type and price for first-time members.


Gather all the required information for each membership type, including price and booking permissions.


Follow these steps to create an Individual or Family membership type.

In addition to helping households with multiple club members, the Family membership type is great for organizations that want to enroll many people and assign them the same permissions, restrictions, and prices.

Opening the Memberships page

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click MEMBERSHIPS. A new page displays.

  3. Click the Individual or Family tab.

Editing a membership type

To update an existing membership type:

  1. Locate a membership type and click the pencil icon. The membership form displays,

  2. Update the form and click Save Changes.

Creating a new membership type

Follow these steps for Individual and Family memberships.

  1. Click the green create button. A popup window displays.

  2. Enter a unique name for this membership type.

  3. Enter a short code. (optional, maximum 4 characters)

  4. Click the Copy Membership Rules From field and select an option. (optional)

  5. Click Save to continue.

CourtReserve auto-fills fields if the system user enables the Copy Membership Rules From feature. These fields can be edited.

Filling in the form

A new form with seven tabs displays. Click each tab and fill in the required fields.


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