How to Close Courts

Manage Closures, Cancelled Reservations, and Refunds

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Create one or more court closures.

  • Use Cases: System users streamline important closure work by temporarily blocking new bookings on specific courts and canceling current reservations. The closure tool lets system users communicate with members who have affected reservations and optionally reschedule bookings on the admin platform or issue refunds.


A closure type that can be used with the affected courts.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click SETTINGS. A new page displays.

  3. Go to the COURT & BALL MACHINE SETTINGS heading.

  4. Click the Closures icon.

Creating a closure

To create a closure:

  1. Click the Closure Type field and select an option on the drop-down menu.

  2. Review the check box to hide closures on the admin scheduler. The default setting is to make them visible (unchecked).

  3. Set the start and end (date and time fields).

  4. Add a message that displays on the member portal. (optional)

  5. Check the Include Reservations/Events Without Courts box to distribute the message on the member portal widely. (optional)

  6. Click Save.

Recurring closures

System users can create a recurring closure if the closure starts and finishes in one calendar day, but takes place on multiple days in a scheduler. For example, if you close your courts every Wednesday on a set Start and End time, recurring closures can be used in this case.

It is not possible to create a recurring closure if that action starts on one day, and finishes on another day. For longer, repeated closures, create a separate closure for each period.

  1. Enter a start date and time. CourtReserve auto-fills the End Date field.

  2. Enter an end time.

  3. Click the Recurrence field and select an option (e.g. weekly, monthly, custom). For custom recurrences, use the calendar to select dates.

  4. Go on to the next step (see below) and select courts.

Selecting courts

Select the court(s) that will be closed. Use the checkboxes to select one or more courts.

After selecting the closed courts, CourtReserve shows the impact of the closures with red text and a table. The table shows two kinds of affected groups:

  • Affected Reservations - Shows the number of bookings on the affected courts during the closure period.

  • Affected Registrants - Shows the number of people registered for an event or program on the affected courts during the closure period.

The table also shows:

  • Used Time - The percentage of the reservation used by the member prior to the court being closed.

  • Member - The number of members impacted by the closure.

Managing affected reservations

Go to the table and locate a line with an affected reservation. System users can:

Tracking closures on a single dashboard

  1. Click the Courts tab on the Manage Courts page. The table shows all courts and their current closure status.

  2. The table uses two colors to show court status: pink means the court is currently closed, and grey means the court is active. Click the plus (+) icon to open a folder and see court closure details.

  3. Use the buttons to edit or delete a court closure.

  4. The Next Closure column shows upcoming closures, if any.

  5. The Status column shows closure details, if applicable. The default setting for active courts is Available.


System users can verify refunds if issued. Go to REFUNDS > Accepted Refunds. Set the refund start/end dates and locate the row in the table.


When a system user creates a court closure (but has not yet canceled any reservations), CourtReserve displays a grey bar on the member portal. The grey bar appears next to the member's court reservation on the scheduler.

After a system user cancels or schedules the member's booking, CourtReserve removes the booking from the member portal scheduler and sends members an email notification when a reservation is canceled.


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