Enable the Attendance Tracker

Count Daily Attendance at Your Club

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: Count the number of players/members that enter the club each day.

  • Use Cases: System users must enable the Attendance Tracker add-on to track the daily attendance of members walking into the club. This feature does not track check-ins. It marks players as attended so system users can track foot traffic and generate attendance trends reports.

Use Cases (Why use this feature?)

  • Track foot traffic at your club.

  • Identify traffic patterns and find the busiest day/time at your facility.

  • Know which players/members attend most often.

  • Track player attendance on a certain day/time.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Go to the side menu and click SETTINGS > ADD-ONS.

  3. Click Manage Add-ons.

  4. Scroll down to the Attendance Tracker heading and check the box.

Click I Agree in the confirmation popup window and then click the Setup button.

After the system user clicks Setup, CourtReserve opens the Attendance Tracker page.

After the system user saves page customizations (see below), the platform adds an icon to the Settings page.

Customizing the Attendance Tracker

  • Show Status Bar after Scans - Check this box to show users a status bar of successful attendance scans. If checked, CourtReserve shows two hidden fields. (see below)

  • Display Member Balance on Status Bar - Check this box to show the scanned member/player’s current balance. CourtReserve hides this field unless the Show Status Bar after Scans is checked.

  • Display Membership on Status Bar - Check this box to show the scanned member/player’s current membership. CourtReserve hides this field unless the Show Status Bar after Scans is checked.

If the system user uses membership short codes, CourtReserve shows the short code in the status bar. If not short codes are not used, the system user hovers the mouse on the player's name to see the Membership Name.

  • Play a Success Beep when Scanned - Check this box to play an audible beep when a player scan completes successfully. If checked, CourtReserve shows a hidden field. (see below)

  • Override Warning Sounds - Check one or both boxes to play additional alert sounds: one for a scanned player with an outstanding balance and one for a player with an expired/inactive membership.

  • Allow Manual Attendance Tracker - Check this box to enable manual attendance checks. Open a new browser tab and paste the URL into the field. The page lets system users manually search names and mark people as attended.

Tracking attendance via a USB scanning device

To get the most out of the attendance tracker, the club should purchase a scanning device that can read QR codes and/or barcodes. This will allow members to walk in and scan in. With each scan, CourtReserve generates an attendance record for the player/member’s attendance for that day. With each successful scan, the system displays the last scanned-in player’s info in a status bar (if that feature is enabled).

How players scan In

When the attendance tracker is enabled, the CourtReserve mobile app displays a barcode icon in the right corner of the screen.

To scan in, a player taps the barcode icon to display a QR code. The player passes the QR code in front of the scanner.

If a player is part of a family, they should select the family member(s) they are checking in and then scan the QR code when prompted.

Tracking attendance manually

If the system user did not enable the manual tracking feature (see above), front desk staff could mark a player as attended by opening the member's profile page.

  1. Log in to the admin dashboard and go to MEMBERS > SEARCH.

  2. Search for a player's name and open the profile page.

  3. Click the pencil icon.

  4. Click the blue +Attendance button.

CourtReserve displays a confirmation popup and auto-fills the date and time. Optionally, system users can click the icons to adjust the date and time.

Click Save to create an attendance record.

System users can access multiple reports to view attendance data. Click here to learn more.

Viewing attendance records

To view attendance for a player/member, go to the player’s profile and click the Attendance tab. System users can also see all attendance for an entire family by visiting the family details page. Attendance records can be deleted.

Integration with a check-in kiosk

For organizations using a check-in kiosk, system users can easily integrate the attendance tracker. Go to the bottom of the check-in kiosk settings page and locate the Message to Show when Player Scans In field. System users can use this field to display a friendly message to players as they scan in to visit the club but are not scheduled for any bookings or events.

The message in that field displays on the kiosk screen when a player scans in.

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