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Search for cost estimates, change what estimates show and hide.

Bilandra Chase avatar
Written by Bilandra Chase
Updated over a week ago

Click on the Main Menu icon. It's a blue icon with three horizontal lines at the top left of the screen.

Then click View to see the options on the View Menu.

Click any option to select that function. Most options on the View Menu have an icon equivalent on the Tool Bar and a Shortcut Key equivalent.

Tips: The table below summarizes options on the View Menu and lists shortcuts, icons and links to more information for each option.





Keyword Search Window

Ctrl + F

Search either the current costbook or estimate for a specific term. See Keyword Search Window.

Contents Window

Ctrl + S

Link to sections in the costbook from the book’s table of contents. See Contents Window.

Index Window

Ctrl + I

Link to sections in the costbook from the book index.

Bookmarks Window

Ctrl + K

Adds an audit trail for costs copied to your estimate. See Bookmarks Window.

Single/Double Space Lines

Ctrl + D

Makes the estimate easier to read. See Single/Double Space Lines.

Show/Hide Unit Costs

Ctrl + U

Useful when an estimate has to show costs for each unit of work. See Show/Hide Unit Costs.

Show/Hide Component Costs

Ctrl + H

To hide the breakdown into material, labor and equipment cost categories. See Show/Hide Component Costs.

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