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What do the different Timing colors mean?
What do the different Timing colors mean?

Find out what it means when some of your timings are shown in grey, black, blue or red

Updated over a year ago

There are various ways of using and calculating Timings in your Episode. Timings can either be entered manually, calculated automatically, or both by overwriting a calculated value. These actions can affect the color in which certain timings are shown throughout your Episode.

Black: Automatically calculated value

Whenever Cuez calculates a Timing value automatically, this value will be shown in a black (or dark grey) color.

Grey: Automatically calculated value that is no longer taken into account

Whenever Cuez has automatically calculated the Estimated Duration of an Item, but the Estimated Duration of the 'parent' Part is overwritten manually, then the Item's Estimated Duration value will be shown in a grey color.

The same applies for Blocks within an Item.

Blue: Manually overwritten value

Whenever you manually overwrite a value that was initially automatically calculated by Cuez, the overwritten value will now be shown in a blue color.

Red: Calculated value that needs attention

Whenever a value was manually overwritten, this can result in certain timings to be shown in a red color in case the resulting timing is no longer 'valid'.


​If a Part timer value results in a negative value for an Item, this negative value will be shown in red. (See image below, number 1)

If a Back time results in a value that is no longer 'valid', meaning an Item would have to take place at a time before a previous Item's manually overwritten Back time, then this would be shown in red. (See image below, number 2)

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