Bulk Imports

Quickly upload your contacts, products or ingredients into your Curate account

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Written by Product team
Updated over a week ago

Bulk imports are a great way to quickly and easily move the data that's essential to your business directly into Curate. You have the power to upload a file that you can then edit, or you can manually do multiple entries at once rather than creating each entry individually. This works for your contacts, your products, or your ingredients.

Steps to Bulk Import from a file:

  1. Ensure your file is a .csv, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx, or .xml file.

  2. Navigate to your Contacts or Catalog tab.

  3. Select "Bulk Import" at the top right of your account.

  4. Select "Upload data from file" and select your file from your computer system.

  5. Follow the prompts to confirm or change column matching.

  6. Review your data.

  7. Confirm upload.

  8. Refresh your screen to see the updated information!

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