From the right side bar, click Settings and locate Users across the Settings navigation bar across the top of the page. Here's a direct link as well.
How to add a user
Adding a new user to your account requires an additional cost. Please either reach out to you main contact at Curate or use the chat bubble to reach out to us so we can assist you with the details!
How to edit a user
Note: Only users with Owner or Admin permissions can perform this task.
Navigate to the User settings page. Locate and click the name of the user account you would like to edit. At this time you can only edit the user's first and last name and permissions as seen in the screenshot below.
If you need to change the user to a different email address, you can either delete the current user out of the system or reach out to Support and we'll help swap out the email address.
How to delete a user
Note: Only users with Owner or Admin permissions can perform this task.
Navigate to the User settings page. Locate and click the name of the user account you would like to delete. Scroll to the bottom of the slide out menu and click the Delete User button.
Caution: Deleting a user will cause any inquiries and events to become unassigned that were assigned to the user account.
User Role Permissions
Each User Role will have it's own set of permissions. Below is a list of what each role has access to:
User Role: Owner - This will give full access to everything within the application
User Role: Admin - Access to all features and functionality except for the following :
Account billing and subscription
Modify or access owner role and privileges
User Role: User - Access to most features and functionality except for the following :
Company settings
Account billing and subscription
Add and modify user(s) roles
View component costs
Modify event markups
User Role: View Only User - Additionally we also have a view only add-on to the User role that doesn't allow edit access but has the same viewing ability of a standard user. To enable this, activate the the following toggle for the specific user.