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Hardware/Software FAQ
Updated over a week ago

FAQ about the Muse headset, the extra auxiliary electrode, the Myndlift app, and the Myndlift clinician dashboard.

1) Can my clients access Myndlift directly?

No, only neurofeedback professionals can gain access to the Myndlift web portal, where they have full control over client accounts, training protocols, and progress monitoring.

2) What equipment is required in order to run a session with Myndlift?

  • 1 external electrode (optional)

  • Conductive paste (optional)

3) Can my patient train without internet access?

Yes! Your client will need to log into the app with internet in order to load their session, but they can complete the session even without internet access.

4) Is there a limit to how many clients can use each headset?

No, each active headset can have an unlimited number of users.

5) How many minutes can I use on a single headset per month?

There is no limit to the amount of minutes that can be used per headset. Once you have trained for 25 minutes or more on a specific headset, you will be charged for the 30-day billing cycle, regardless of how many minutes you have used.

6) Is there a limit to how many patients I can have on my clinical dashboard?

No, you may create as many patient accounts as you wish, as well as manage their protocols and track their session to session progress.

7) Can I have more than one staff member per clinical dashboard?

Yes, you may add additional staff members to your clinical dashboard on the Preferences page. All staff members will receive emails about Myndlift updates and have the option to receive automatic notifications about patients’ sessions and progress. Added staff members will not have access to the account and billing details of your dashboard.

8) How do I reset a password for my patient? 

Resetting a password can be done in two ways:

  • By clicking on “Generate new temporary password” on the client’s profile page within the clinical dashboard.

  • Once your client clicks on “forgot my password” in the login page of the app, you will receive an email to the primary clinic email (used to log in to the dashboard) with a new temporary password for your client. If your client's email is selected as the 'real email address' in the dashboard, the password reset link will be sent to them directly.

9) How do I check the battery life on my Muse headset?

  • Your headset battery level will be displayed during the calibration screen right before the beginning of your session.

  • You may also briefly click on the power button on the headset. You will be shown lights over the earpiece which will indicate the battery level. The more lights appear, the more battery you have in your Muse.

  • You can also check the exact headset battery percentage while training by pressing the pause button in the middle of a round.

10) How frequently do I need to charge my Muse headset?

  • You may charge your headset using a USB port or using a wall charger. Your Muse cannot be used when it is charging.

  • It should take up to 3 hours to charge your Muse fully. A fully charged Muse should provide you with up to 4 hours of continuous use.

  • It is recommended to train using a fully charged Muse headset, to reduce any signal disruptions

11) Can clients train using eye glasses?

  • Yes, the Muse headset can be used with eyeglasses and should not cause any interference. It is important to ensure that the rubber ear sensors of the headset are touching the skin at the back of the ears, therefore the headset should be placed above the glasses to ensure maximum contact with the back of the ears.

  • Some users find it helpful to take off the glasses before putting on the headset, and only then put them back on.

12) Why does the Myndlift app ask for my location?

  • Google requires apps that use Bluetooth devices to access a user's location. This requires us to ask for location permissions in the Myndlift app.

  • To enable the location settings, please go to Settings on your Android device > Location > ON.

  • Please do not turn off Location services during the session as it will block the headset from connecting, and you will be unable to train.

13) What’s the best way to look after my Muse headset?

The Muse headset is a sensitive device and should be treated with care.

  • Do not get the Muse headset wet, with water or any other liquids.

  • Your headset should not be exposed to extremely high or low temperatures.

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight may cause discoloration of some parts so try to keep your Muse out of the sunlight when not in use.

  • Do not open, disassemble, or attempt repair of your Muse.

  • Avoid dropping Muse as this may cause hardware damage.

  • Avoid extreme bending of the headset.

  • Cleaning your headset from time to time can also help prolong the headset’s lifespan. This can be done by wiping a small amount of alcohol (not too much!) on a cotton swab and gently dabbing the forehead band sensors, and silicone earpieces. You can also wipe the rest of your headset down with a damp cloth.

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