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Getting a New Client Started with Myndlift:
Getting a New Client Started with Myndlift:
Updated over a week ago

This guide will help walk you through how to set up a new client on the Myndlift system.

We recommend having one “orientation session” in-clinic if possible, where you will do the following:

1. Help your client get to know the hardware. 

Show your client around their Muse, electrode, and tablet:

  • How to charge and turn on the Muse headset. Make sure they charge the headset regularly, as low headset battery can cause signal disruptions during a session.

  • How to connect the external electrode to the micro-USB charging port on the Muse. They should make sure to clean the electrode thoroughly after each session with a cotton swab or by dipping in lukewarm water.

  • Open the tablet and show them how to connect to their home wifi network. Also, show them how to access the Google Play or Apple App Store and download or update the Myndlift app. This is a particularly important step for clients who are not familiar with Android or iOS mobile devices.

2. Set up a new client account and EEG assessment in the Myndlift dashboard. 

You can do the new client account and assessment setup during the in-clinic visit, or ahead of time if you have the information from the client.

3. Run a session together with your client. 

Make sure your client understands how to train and can use it independently by running their first session with them:

  • Ask the client to log into the app using their username (email) and initial password (from step 2 above).

  • Show your client how to place the Muse headset correctly, making sure the headband sits firmly in the middle of the forehead and hooked securely behind the ears, that there is no hair between the skin and the metal band of the headset. You can send your clients this video to help with the process.

  • Show them how and where to place the electrode according to your selected protocol.

  • Make sure they sit still through the signal quality check and calibration sections.

  • Ask them to choose a game and begin.

4. Have the client run another real session and encourage them to do the setup on their own, to make sure they understand the process without your assistance.

  • Have the client do the entire setup process independently (place Muse, electrode, enter app, log in, and begin training). Note that for the first minute the client will only receive negative feedback until the system finishes calibrating.

  • Explain to them that in order to pass the signal quality check they should tighten the headband and sit still without touching it for the first minute and following whenever they make an adjustment.

  • Remind them that neurofeedback should be done while they are as still as possible, and to avoid talking, laughing, chewing gum, frequent blinks, and jaw clenches during a session.

5. Set up a recurring program for the client and send them home.

  • From your client's profile page, edit the program and define the number of sessions you'd like to send your client home with.

  • Make any final adjustments to their program.

  • Give your client details about their training program - how often they should train, who to contact for support, and let them know you will be monitoring their progress along with any next steps.

  • Send your client home with a smile!

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