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Weekly Stats Emails

Keep your clients engaged with automated weekly stats emails

Updated over a week ago

Just like with any program that requires consistency and discipline, accountability and visibility into the data can be of huge impact. That's why we've developed the weekly stats emails that are sent to your clients that have been added with the 'Real Email' checkbox enabled.

How do they look?

They include a bunch of parameters including training days, best scores, minutes trained, minutes in the zone, deep zone, and more to keep your clients going!

Who receives these emails?

The email is sent to users at 8pm their local time. Only clients that have the 'This is the client’s real email' checkbox enabled will receive these emails.

If you have clients who did not have this enabled when they were added and you'd like to revisit that, given that the email address is in fact their real one, just go to the client profile > Edit Customer Details and click the checkbox as shown here:

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