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Rapid Training Session

A dynamic method for clients to kickstart their training sessions in-app, designed to help maintain their momentum and training streaks.

Updated over 10 months ago

Starting on April 24, 2024 Rapid Training session will become available on both iOS and Android.

We're thrilled to announce a new significant feature aimed at assisting your clients in sustaining their training commitment streak!

Introducing: Rapid Training Session ⚑️

We've implemented a dynamic method for clients to kickstart their training sessions in-app, designed to help them maintain their momentum and training streaks.

Here's how it works:

The client can choose between two options when starting a training session in-app:

  • Standard Session Start:
    Clients can begin their session as usual, following the duration you've set in their training protocol.

  • NEW: Rapid Session Start:
    Now, clients have the flexibility to choose their preferred training duration, empowering them to tailor their experience according to their schedule and needs, thereby aiding them in continuing their training streak.

Dashboard view πŸ’»

You'll be able to distinguish between sessions initiated with a "Standard Session Start" and those with a "Rapid Session Start" directly from your dashboard. A lightning bolt icon will be displayed next to the session duration on the client's page, report generator, and session analysis page whenever a rapid session is completed by the client.

Complete control from your dashboard πŸ”‘

To disable Rapid Session for your clinic prior to its release on April 22, 2024, please navigate to the "Preferences" section within your dashboard, and disable the Rapid Session toggle.

To disable Rapid Session for some clients:

If you wish to enable it for specific clients who may have limited training time, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Keep the "Rapid Session" toggle enabled on the "Preferences" page

  2. Visit the client page/s for client/s you'd like to disable for

  3. Disable the "Rapid Session" control from the client page/s under "Training Preferences"*

*Please note that a client has to have a training program deployed for the Training Preferences to be visible on their page.

Do you have any questions? Please send your inquiry to or chat with us through the Myndlift Dashboard!

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