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Data and Privacy
Data and Privacy

Explains how DAS sources data and keeps your data secure

21 articles
Accuracy of DAS Crop IDOverall accuracy, assessed Nationally across all crop types, of the 2021 DAS Crop ID dataset was 93.4%.
How do we calculate risk?Where does DAS get the information for Bushfire, Frost and Drought Risk?
Data AccuracyOutlines known limitations with the data and the process for recording updates
DAS - Data layers update frequencyThis article gives you the source and update frequency of common data layers within the DAS platform.
Data PrivacyOutlines how DAS protects your data
Data OverviewDescribes the key data available through DAS
Password Reset / Change
Better understanding of presented sales data
DAS Performance BenchmarksA peer-to-peer comparison of long-term farm production
Property InformationThis article describes the Property tab and what information is available on a property.
Understanding soil types in DASThis article explains the soil types in DAS and how this data is calculated
Why won't the raster mask display?
Measuring plant productivityUsing NPP to measure productivity, not just NDVI
Potential crop yieldHow we estimate the potential crop yield on a farm
Why aren't there property owner names within Australia?DAS cannot provide property owners' names due to Australian Government policies and regulations.
Land Clearing data - An explainer