How to open access to a module on a specific date or after a set number of days following the completion of the previous module in a training course
This tutorial explains how to lock a module on Dokeos LMS and manage its access settings. You can set an exact opening date or choose to unlock the module a certain number of days after the previous module has been completed. Follow these simple steps to optimally manage module access.
Step 1: Access the training course editing page
First, log in to Dokeos LMS with the Trainer role. Go to the training course where you want to lock the module. Once on this page, click the Edit button to enter the course editing mode.
Step 2: Access module management
In the course editing page, navigate to the Module section. Here, you will see a list of all the modules in the training course. On this page, you will find a Restriction button.
Step 3: Configure module access restrictions
By clicking the Restriction button, you will have two main options to manage module access:
Open on exact date: You can set an exact date when the module will become available to learners. Note that you can only define the date, not the time.
Open X days after previous module completion: If you choose this option, the module will automatically unlock a certain number of days after the previous module has been completed.
Select the option that best suits your needs and configure the desired settings.
Step 4: Finalize and confirm
Once the restriction settings are defined, click the Confirm button to save your choices.
Step 5: Publish or republish the training course
If you are modifying an existing training course, click the Republish button to apply the changes and ensure the module is available according to the defined restrictions.
If you are creating a new training course, click the Publish button to make the course available for learner enrollment.
To access the Restrictions option, your training course must have at least one previous module that can be locked.
Distance learning and in-person classroom modules are not affected by this locking and opening date management feature.
By following these steps, you can easily lock your modules and control their access based on the pedagogical needs of your training course.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, feel free to contact support at: