Creating Groups allows you to efficiently manage your training programs.
But how?
In Dokeos, Groups can be compared to "virtual classrooms." Just like in school, each class has its own courses tailored to students based on their level and specific needs.
Similarly, each Group in Dokeos consists of learners with diverse profiles. This allows you to offer differentiated and personalized training content to meet the specific needs of each Group.
Practical Benefits of Creating Groups in Dokeos
Easier Management of Learners and Training Programs: You can bulk enroll or unenroll learners in a specific training program and communicate easily with all Group members at once.
Simplified Tracking of Results: You can compare Reports and performance within a Group, making it easier to analyze and adapt your learning strategies.
Important Notice:
In Dokeos LMS, Groups can be directly enrolled in Courses, but this feature is not available for Learning Paths.
To work around this, you can use Filters to quickly select relevant users when enrolling them in a Learning Path.
The Role of Group Leader
The Groups feature in Dokeos LMS introduces a new role: Group Leader. This role is assigned to the person(s) responsible for managing and monitoring a specific Group.
A Group Leader can:
Manage member enrollments in Courses
Track Reports and progress of their Group
Additionally, Group Leaders can be granted permission to:
Add existing users from the Portal to their Group
Invite new users to join the Portal directly within their Group, even if they do not yet have an account
Going Further
In a corporate training context, a Group in Dokeos can function like a team with a manager or Group Leader.
The Group Leader can:
Manage enrollments
Track specific Reports for their Group
Send reminders and follow-ups to participants
Use for DPC training Organizations :
If you are a DPC (Développement Professionnel Continu) accredited training organization, Groups in Dokeos can help organize DPC training sessions.
You can set a specific start and end date to ensure all participants begin and complete their training within the same timeframe.
This also facilitates billing with ANDPC (Agence Nationale du Développement Professionnel Continu) by ensuring that login and logout logs match the session dates.
Use for CFA Training Centers :
For Apprenticeship Training Centers (CFA), Groups in Dokeos can help structure and manage multiple subjects or classroom groups efficiently.
This simplifies user management on the Portal, allowing for centralized and consistent control over Learning Paths and Courses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can members be added to a Group after its creation?
Yes, the Group Leader can add existing users from the Portal or invite new users to join the Group at any time.
Can a Group have multiple Group Leaders?
Yes, a Group can have multiple Group Leaders to share the management and tracking of learners.
Can Groups be created in bulk?
Dokeos LMS allows bulk creation of Groups via an Excel file. However, this feature is not directly available on the interface. Please contact your Dokeos Project Manager for assistance.
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