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Setup custom questions

How to setup custom questions to ask customers before they make a booking.

Ray M avatar
Written by Ray M
Updated over a week ago

Custom Fields let you ask questions to your customers before they book an event. Their responses will be available in their booking details.

Creating Custom Fields

Head to the tab Custom Fields, and add your fields. There are three types of custom fields: text fields, dropdowns and checkboxes. You can set a label, help text, and even set if it needs to be required by your customers as they fill out each appointment.

Add/remove custom fields on Events

You can manage the custom fields that show up for an existing event by:

  1. Select your event from the Dashboard, click Edit.

  2. Scroll down to the Custom Fields section

  3. Select the custom fields you want to enable, and Update...

  4. When checking out, the customers will see your custom questions after selecting the time.

Once they've added to the cart, the customer will see a preview of these fields, which will also be available to you on the Orders section of the Shopify Admin.

Add the custom fields to emails

Add the following text snippet in your emails (confirmation and reminder emails)

{{#each booking_line_items}} 
<p>{{}}: {{this.value}} </p>

This would go through each of your custom field responses and add the values in there for you. Example of the email:

Re-order custom fields

Go to manage event, scroll to the custom fields that are assigned to that event and click “Reorder Custom Fields”. Click on the dots to the left of the field and drag them to the spot you wish

Making the field required or optional

  1. Go to the Custom Fields tab

  2. Click Edit on the question

  3. Check the required box to make it mandatory. Uncheck to make it optional

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