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Booking request vs Instant booking
Victoria avatar
Written by Victoria
Updated over a week ago

Booking Options: When booking an Eatwith experience, you have two convenient options to choose from:

  1. Booking Request: By default, when you select an experience, you'll initiate a booking request. This process involves sending your desired date and time to the host. Once the host accepts and validates your request, you will receive a confirmation email containing the host's address and contact details. Simply click on the "Request a Booking" button to proceed with this option.
    Read also the article What happens once I’ve made a booking request?

  2. Instant Booking: For more immediate reservations, we offer the "Instant Booking" feature. With this option, you can book an experience without the need for approval or validation from the host. Experiences available for instant booking are clearly marked with a "Book Now" button. Just click on it, and your reservation will be instantly confirmed, saving you time and hassle.
    Read also the article What does instant booking mean? How do I know if an event has instant booking?

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