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Education First (EF)
Nair avatar
Written by Nair
Updated over a week ago

Who is EF?

EF, short for Education First, is our esteemed partner that offers cultural immersion tours to groups of North Americans eager to explore and learn about local cultures. EF offers two distinct segments to cater to different age groups and preferences:

  1. EF Language Immersion (students): This segment focuses on providing language and cultural immersion tours designed for young students aged 14 to 21. These tours are led by experienced tour guides who accompany the students at events.

  2. EF GoAhead (adults): For adults aged 45 and above, EF GoAhead offers guided group tours that emphasize cultural immersion and interaction with local hosts. Unlike the Language Immersion tours, these tours are designed for adults and do not involve a tour guide attending the events.

How Do EF Language Immersion Work?

EF Educational Tours prioritizes cultural immersion and interaction with local hosts. Here are some key details:


  • Menu: Simple and traditional 3-course meal featuring local cuisine.

  • Beverages: A minimum of one soft drink should be included.

  • Tour Guide: A tour guide (or at least one adult leader) will be present throughout the event to ensure a smooth experience.

How Do EF GoAhead Tours Work?

Similar to EF Educational Tours, EF GoAhead Tours focus on cultural immersion and interaction with local hosts. However, there are some differences:


  • Menu: Prepare a simple and traditional 3-course meal featuring local cuisine, with the host speaking in English.

  • Beverages: A minimum of one alcoholic drink, which could be a glass of wine or a beer.

  • Tour Guide: The tour guide will accompany the group to the host venue but will leave before the event starts.

How Does the Reservation Process Work?

We'll send you a reservation request a couple of months before the event date to confirm your availability. If you approve the request, we'll officially book the event through your calendar one month before its scheduled date. Please note that if you don't see the booking as confirmed in your calendar, it means the event is not taking place. However, rest assured that we will cancel any requests or confirmed bookings in the case of a cancelled event. If you're uncertain about the status of your booking, don't hesitate to reach out to our team. Nair is our dedicated team member, and you can contact her at

Payment Process

Payments will be processed the day after the event if it occurs on a weekday, or on Monday if the event falls on a weekend. If you don't see the payment in your profile's payment history, don't worry, as these bookings are managed internally and may not appear in your profile.

Contact and Allergies

The tour guide will reach out to you via WhatsApp or SMS 2-3 days before the event to confirm all the details and share any of the guests' dietary restrictions or allergies. Please note that if you send a message through the platform, it will be received by our team, not the guests.


'If for some reason you're unable to host the event, please let us know with as much notice as possible, as these events are carefully planned. Your cooperation in timely communication is highly appreciated. In the event that the partner cancels less than 5 days before the event, rest assured that you will still receive your payment

We hope this FAQ clarifies any questions you may have about EF events. If you require further assistance or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team.

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