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About the Enroll Form

What Enrollsy's enroll/enrollment form is and the fields included

Richard Hogan avatar
Written by Richard Hogan
Updated this week

The Heart Of Enrollsy

At the heart of Enrollsy is the concept of bringing payments and data intake together into one seamless experience. The Enroll Form is our customizable solution for streamlining enrollment. It integrates with robust payment processing solutions and custom E-Signature workflows.

NOTE: We currently only have one Enroll Form for all Programs. You can create Program Forms that you attach to individual Programs that show up on the Enrollment Card.

The 5 Basic Sections:

  1. Account Info - This is where we collect information about the Account Holder(s). It is also the section where you can add custom fields (under General Account Info).

  2. Enrollee Info - This is where we collect information about the person who will be participating (might be the same as the Account Holder). You can also add custom fields under this section.

  3. Program Selection - This is where the person enrolling makes selections from the Program Options you have made available. There are almost limitless possibilities for creating options. The final intent of this selection process is to arrive at a price and/or a series of selections required to complete enrollment. This section also provides a way for you to require additional information based on the Program selected.

    • Under Program Selection is the section titled "Plan Costs," which can be customized based on your pricing.

  4. Payment Info - This is where the person enrolling will enter their preferred payment method for enrolling if payment is required. If not, this step will be skipped automatically. NOTE: Enrollsy offers both credit/debit card and ACH options for payment methods. You can offer either one or both.

  5. Confirmation - This is the final step of the process and includes a summary of enrollment(s) and charge(s), password creation for account management, and a final agreement to legal terms, policies, and/or other conditions that you set.

Enroll Form Example:

Here is an example of an Enroll Form and all the sections as it looks on the Admin side:

enroll form in Enrollsy

Field Elements

The following are the types of Field Elements you can add to customize the Enroll Form:

  • Headers - used for visual distinctions between sections or questions.

  • Toggle - used for yes or no questions. These also allow for conditional logic based on the response.

  • Text Field - used for basic free-form responses and ideal for short-form responses.

  • Text Area - used for free-form responses that require long-form or multiple sentences/paragraphs.

  • Single Select - used for collecting standardized responses. Hint, you can create an "other" option on any single select list and create a nested text field with conditional logic that will only show the text field if "other" is chosen.

  • Multi-Select - used for collecting standardized responses just like a single select, but more than one selection can be made.

  • Email - used for collecting emails. This field has validation, which means only entries with an email format will be accepted.

  • Phone - used for collecting phone numbers. This field has validation, which means only entries with a valid phone number will be accepted.

  • Date - used to collect the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

  • Number - used to collect one or more numbers, with no exceptions.

  • ID - used to assign an ID to each Account. This ID can either be auto-generated or user-generated.

See this support article for more details on Enroll Form Field Elements.

Enrollment Links

Enrollment Links give you an easy way to funnel people from your website or social media pages or a text or email directly into the right Program or Class. In various places throughout Enrollsy, you can find links to your Enroll Form. See these articles for more information on Enrollment links:

Reservation System

Because the Enroll Form manages enrollment capacities, we also have a true Reservation-style system that prevents your Programs and Classes from being over-booked.

When someone selects a Program or Class, that spot is held or reserved while they complete their enrollment. If the enrollment is not completed within 30 minutes, the system will ask if more time is needed. If no response is received and the time runs out, the spot is released and made available to someone else.

To turn this on, go to the Enroll Form setting on the My Company page. Check the box beside "Enforce enrollment capacities."

enforce enrollment capacities in Enrollsy
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