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Gift Card FAQ for Admin Users

Check out the most frequently asked questions about the Gift Card feature for Admins

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

Here are some frequently asked questions (and answers, of course!) concerning the Gift Card feature in Enrollsy:

Admin FAQ

  • How do I get set up to use the Gift Card feature in Enrollsy? This feature can be unlocked by contacting us via the chat bubble within the Enrollsy admin platform). The cost is only $7/month!

  • Can I edit the layout of the Gift Card form? No, the layout cannot be edited. We designed the Gift Card form to be as visually appealing and user-friendly as possible.

  • Where do I access the Gift Card form in Enrollsy? You can access Gift Cards on the Submissions page under the Gift Card tab (and in the Customer Portal).

  • Can I purchase a Gift Card for someone as an Admin User? Yes and no. No, you cannot "purchase" a Gift Card. However, you can "create" an internal ("Company-purchased") Gift Card.

  • Can the pre-set Gift Card amounts be changed? No. Those are just often-used amounts that purchasers can click on. Gift Cards can be purchased in ANY amount.

  • What happens if a customer says they lost or never received their Gift Card email? No problem. Admin Users can easily resend Gift Card emails.

  • What should I do if a Gift Card recipient's email address changes or the Gift Card is sent to the wrong email address? Admin Users can easily invalidate current Gift Cards and create new ones, sending them to the correct email address.

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