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How to Add or Edit Credits on a Customer Account
How to Add or Edit Credits on a Customer Account

Learn how to adjust Credits, Prepayments or Gift Cards

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

The following are the steps on how to post a Credit (Misc. Credit or any other credit you set up creating a Discount Item) for one or more Accounts. If you need to add a Gift Card or Prepayments, click here to view steps.


DO NOT post any regular credits (that are NOT specifically Gift Cards or Prepayments) in the "Gift Cards & Prepayments" section of a customer's billing page. All credits should be posted to an invoice or on the account.

Step 1 - Click "Post Credit" from the menu

You can find the "Post Credit" button in two ways:

  1. Plus Button

    Click the plus button on the left sidebar beside Invoices.

  2. Post Transaction Button

    On a Customer's Billing page, click the "Post Transaction" button in the upper right corner.

Step 2 - Search for Account(s)

A new window will open where you can search the Account(s). If you are already on a Customer's Billing page, the name will be automatically filled. You have the option to post a Credit for one Account or you can add another Account by selecting "Add another Account":

After adding all the Accounts, click Next.

Step 3 - Post Credits

Enter the credit amounts beside each Account, or select the button "$ Set all to..." to enter one amount for all Accounts listed.

Click Next to continue.

Step 4 - Setup Transaction

Under this section, you can choose to post a Credit along with the Invoice by clicking the box beside "Post Credit."

Enter the following information:

  • Classification (your company name)

  • Public comment (comments here the customer can view)

  • Private comment (comments here are office-only comments)

Select the Discount/Credit Item from the list (or create a new Discount Item).

Step 5 - Result Page

The next page will give you the results of the post. If the post works, it will show a green checkmark.

NOTE: Credits added to an account or added to current or paid invoices are account credits that are paid on invoices as they come due. Credits cannot be specified to go toward specific enrollees or enrollments.

Gift Cards/Prepayments

Under "Gift Cards & Prepayments" you can add or view any gift card credits or prepayments. All other credits will show up on the Invoice they are added to.

Select "Gift Cards or Prepayments" on that Customer's Account to open up the history window. Admins will be able to edit or delete Gifts Cards or Prepayments here. Select the pencil icon to edit a credit. Click the trashcan icon to delete a credit.

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