When Charges and Credits are initially placed at Enrollment, the Account will have an associated Program when running Transactions Reports. Payments, however, do not work this way (at this time).
If you are looking to see how much money you collected for a specific Program, you will have to do it by using Charges and Credits instead of Payments. Here's how you do that:
Step 1 - Run a Transactions Report for a specific date range
Step 2 - Export the Report to a CSV file
In this exported file you will see a Program column along with a Type column. If the value in the Type column is a Charge or Credit, you will see a value for Programs. If the Type is a Payment, the Program will NOT be listed (see below).
Step 3 - Sort this spreadsheet according to your Charges and Credits to come up with your total revenue.
NOTE: We are aware that this is an issue that needs to be addressed and will be working on a solution for the future.