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How to Delete a Program

Need to remove one or more Programs? Here's how.

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 4 months ago

If you need to delete a Program, here's how.

Step 1 - Programs Page

Head to the Programs page.

Step 2 - Remove Enrollees

NOTE: No Enrollees can be in the Program (within the Classes) to delete a Program.

Go back and delete Enrollees and/or Classes. After removing any Enrollees/Classes, click on the three dots icon beside the Program you wish to delete.

delete a program in Enrollsy

If Enrollees are still in the Program, you will get an error page telling you how many enrollments are in the Program and who they are.

NOTE: If there are any UNASSIGNED Enrollees within that Class, you will have to reassign them to a new Class before you can delete the Program.

delete a program  in Enrollsy

Step 3 - Delete Program

After moving all Enrollees out of Classes, you can now delete them. Click on the "Delete" button. You will get a warning:

delete program warning in Enrollsy

Click the warning if you want to delete the Program, and the Program will be deleted. Any Classes that were in the Program will also be deleted.

**If you accidentally delete something and need it recovered, contact Enrollsy Support through the chat button. We can sometimes recover things, but we need to know as soon as possible.

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