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Releases & Access Points
Releases & Access Points
Updated over a week ago

How can I upload a Release?

Once you have created an Artist Account and you got approved, you can log in to your Backstage and click on the 'Upload Release' tab and follow the steps below:

  1. Complete Release Information:

    • Fill in every field with detailed information to ensure proper documentation of your album.

  2. Upload Tracks:

    • Upload your music files and input metadata for each track.

  3. Create a Community Chat:

    • Create a dedicated community chat on EVEN to engage directly with your fans.

  4. Set Up Revenue Splits:

    • Allocate profits among your label, producers, and team members.

  5. Finalize Upload:

    • Save all entered information.

    • Your release upload will enter an approval period that may take up to 7 days.

How much time do my release has to be available on EVEN?

We generally recommend making your release available on EVEN at least 14 days (with a minimum of 7 days) prior to its availability on streaming platforms. This strategy enhances your reach and builds anticipation among your audience.

What is a Waitlist?

Think of a waitlist as your release's VIP list. Fans who want to be the first to access your new music can join the waitlist. Once your release is ready, everyone on the waitlist receives an automated notification email. Ideally, initiate the waitlist at least 72 hours before your release goes live on EVEN. The process is straightforward and automated, beginning to gather fan data as soon as they sign up.

How do the Pricing Models work?

EVEN is renowned for its flexible pricing models, including the fan-favorite 'pay-what-you-want' option.

  • Pay What You Want: Set a minimum price, but allow fans to pay more if they wish.

    • Minimum Price: The baseline amount a fan must pay to access your project.

    • Suggested Price: The default price shown at checkout. Fans can pay more or less than this, but not below the minimum price. This model encourages generosity among your fans.

  • Fixed Price: A single, unchangeable price for your release.

How does EVEN handles leaks?

Rest assured, there has never been a leak on EVEN. All releases are securely protected and encrypted. Additionally, the paywall ensures that only paying fans get access.

How To Edit Your Release:

Editing your release is super simple and available within your backstage portal! You can edit your project through your 'my releases' tab.

Click 'View Release' to see the information of the project you would like to edit.

You will be able to edit the following release information:

  • Delete Your Project: This option is applicable for releases that are still in the pending stage or within the drafts only, providing artists with the flexibility to reconsider or make significant changes before finalizing the release. You cannot edit live releases.

  • Edit Release Information: Artists have the ability to update various aspects of their release information. This includes the option to refresh the visual representation of the release by changing the cover image, updating the description to provide additional context, and modifying other relevant information.

    This feature enables artists to keep their audience informed and engaged by ensuring that the release details accurately reflect the artistic intent or any changes in the project.

  • Revenue Splits: The platform supports the addition of new revenue splits, or edit of existing one, enabling artists to fairly distribute earnings among collaborators.

    However, it's important to note that the ability to remove existing splits is not available directly through the platform. For adjustments to revenue splits, artists can reach out to through our support chat for further assistance.

  • Access Points: Artists have the flexibility to edit their access points, tailoring rewards and benefits to better align with fan preferences or to introduce new and exciting offerings.

    This feature empowers artists to continuously enhance the value proposition for fans, ensuring that access points remain relevant and appealing. Whether it's updating the types of content offered or fine-tuning the details of events, artists can refine their access points to create a more compelling fan experience.

How To Upload A Track

To upload a track, you will need to fill out the following information for each song:

  • Song Title: Enter the title of your song.

  • Featured Artists: List the names of any featured artists.

  • Audio File: Upload your track in either WAV or MP3 format. Make sure it's the final version of your track.

  • Track Numbers: Assign track numbers for proper album sequencing.

  • Content Advisory: Specify whether each track is clean or explicit.

  • Composition Type: Indicate if the track is an original composition or a cover.

  • Instrumental Version: If the track is an instrumental version, tick the relevant box.

Difficulties While Uploading Tracks

I you are experiencing difficulties while uploading a track, please consider the following tips for a smoother process:

  • Check Your File Size: Ensure that the size of your file is within the acceptable limits. Large file sizes can sometimes cause upload issues, so verifying the file size is an essential step to avoid any hitches.

  • Avoid Repeating Track Numbers: Double-check your track listing to confirm that you haven't repeated any track numbers. Each track should have a unique and sequential number to prevent confusion and ensure a correct and organized display.

  • Live Release Status: Is your release already live? If so, keep in mind that you cannot make edits to live projects. Ensure that your desired changes are implemented before making your release live to avoid any post-release complications.

What are access points on EVEN?

Access points are a key part to your release! Imagine you’re going to a movie to get early viewing to a movie before the film comes out on streaming networks, access points are like the yummy popcorn and slushy you get as a bonus!

Access points are rewards artists give fans for the purchase of early access to a project released on EVEN. Some examples of a great access point is access to an exclusive listening party, a live online performance, or a free CD to the first 25 fans that purchase. The ideas and creativity are endless when trying to find the perfect rewards for your fans.

Things you should consider when creating an access point:

Creating meaningful access points for your fans is indeed a crucial aspect of engaging with your audience and enhancing their overall experience. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when developing access points:

  • Know Your Audience: Analyze your fanbase and understand their preferences. What resonates with them? What do they appreciate the most about your work? This knowledge will guide you in creating access points that genuinely connect with your audience.

  • Personalization: Tailor access points to individual tastes within your fan community. If you have a diverse fan base, consider offering a range of options that cater to different interests, ensuring that everyone feels valued.

  • Unique and Memorable Experiences: Focus on providing experiences that fans can't easily access elsewhere. Exclusive listening parties, personalized shout-outs, or behind-the-scenes glimpses can make your access points more enticing.

  • Feasibility and Commitment: Only commit to access points that you can realistically deliver. It's crucial to maintain your integrity as an artist. Fans will appreciate genuine efforts, so avoid overpromising and under delivering.

  • Interactive Engagement: Create access points that encourage interaction between you and your fans. Live Q&A sessions, virtual meet-and-greets, or collaborative projects can foster a sense of community and strengthen the bond between you and your audience.

  • Value over Profit: While access points are associated with sales, prioritize adding value to your fans' experience rather than focusing solely on making money. This approach will not only enhance fan loyalty but also contribute to a positive reputation within the community.

  • Limited Editions: Consider offering limited edition access points to create a sense of exclusivity. This could include signed merchandise, personalized thank-you notes, or even unique artistic creations that are only available to a select number of fans.

  • Flexibility: Be open to feedback from your fans. If an access point isn't resonating as expected, be willing to adjust and evolve your offerings based on the evolving interests of your audience.

  • Promotion and Transparency: Clearly communicate the value of your access points and ensure transparency in your promotional efforts. Fans should understand what they are getting, and any limitations or conditions associated with the access points should be communicated upfront.

  • Gratitude: Express genuine gratitude to your fans for their support. Whether through personalized messages, exclusive content, or surprise bonuses, showing appreciation enhances the overall positive experience for your audience.

Access points are not just about transactions; they're about building a lasting connection with your fans. By being thoughtful, committed, and intentional, you can create access points that resonate deeply with your audience and elevate their connection with your art.

Types of Access Points

1. Content Access Point

The Content Access Point allows you to offer digital content to your fans. There are currently 4 types of digital content that you can offer through EVEN:

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Audio

  • PDFs

Variety of Content: Offer fans a unique insight into your creative process by uploading exclusive videos, a photo gallery, an e-book, or a podcast episode.

File Size and Recommendations: While the platform allows flexibility in file size, it's advisable to keep videos under 2GB and images under 1GB for efficient uploading and optimal clarity. This ensures a seamless and enjoyable viewing experience for your fans.

Single Video Upload: Currently, the platform supports the upload of one video file per access point. However, for artists with multiple videos, you can contact us through our support chat and our team can help you coordinate additional uploads.

2. Events Access Point (Coming Soon)

The Events Access Point allows you to offer exclusive access to events for your fans. There are currently 2 types of events that you can offer through EVEN:

  • Virtual

  • In-person

Personal Engagement: Fans cherish the opportunity to connect with their favorite artists in more personal settings. Consider access points that involve in-person events like private listening parties or live performances. Additionally, virtual events such as live performances or Q&A sessions provide a convenient way to engage with fans globally.

Gratitude Showcase: These events not only showcase your gratitude but also create memorable experiences that fans will cherish. The intimate nature of such gatherings fosters a sense of exclusivity and strengthens the bond between you and your audience.

3. Merchandise Access Point - (Coming Soon)

Merchandise Access Points are under maintenance, preventing new creations. Existing Access Points remain visible in Backstage. We're working to restore full functionality soon.

The Merch Access Point allows you to offer exclusive items to your fans. For example, you can offer:

Tangible Memories: Merchandise access points provide fans with physical items they can keep as mementos. Popular options include posters, vinyl records, CDs, and t-shirts. These tangible items serve as a lasting reminder of their support and the connection they share with your artistic journey.

Collectibles: Limited edition or autographed merchandise can add an extra layer of exclusivity, making these items even more amazing to fans.

How to Create an Access Point

Note: To create an Access Point, you need to have at least one release, as each Access Point must be linked to a release.

  1. Navigate to the Access Points section in the left sidebar.

  2. Click on the "Create New Access Point" button located in the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. Select Type of Access Point: Once you click on "Create New Access Point" a dropdown list with the different types of Access Points will be displayed.

    1. Content

    2. Events

    3. Merchandise (under maintenance)

    4. Fan Experience (Coming Soon)

  4. Start creating your Access Point: Once you have selected the type of access you want to offer, you will be directed to the access point content builder. Follow the specific instructions to complete the setup of your new offering.

Instructions by type of access point:

Creating Content Access Points:

  1. Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of content you want to create: Video, Images, Audio, or PDF.

  2. Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.

  3. Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.

  4. Upload Your Content: Drag and drop the files you want to upload, or click to browse on your computer files.

  5. Content Specifications:

    1. Videos: Only MP4 files allowed. Maximum file size 2GB. Maximum number of videos is 1.

    2. Images: Only PNG, JPG or GIF files allowed. Maximum file size per image 1GB. Currently you are able to upload up to 50 images.

    3. PDFs: Only PDF Files allowed. Maximum file size per file is 20MB.

    4. Audio: Only MP3, WAV or M4A files are allowed. Maximum file size per file 50MB.

  6. Fill in the Preview Card Information: The preview card is what fans see on the release's access section. In the content builder go to the right sidebar, and link your access point to the release it belongs to. Upload a thumbnail for your preview card and a brief description indicating what users will have access to when they acquire the access point.

  7. Continue to Access Details: Once you have uploaded the content and filled in the preview card information, click the "Access Details" button to continue.

  8. Complete and Review Access Details: A new screen will display a summary of your Access content, including its title and description for you to review.

  9. Set a Start or End Date (Optional): You can set up a timeframe to let fans know when the content on the Access Point will be available to view and when it will close.

  10. Set Up your Access Point Minimum Price: On the right sidebar, you can set up the minimum price your fans have to pay for your access point to be included with their purchase. If you have existing access points, you will see a list of the different tiers you have set up.

  11. Submit Access Point: After completing and reviewing all the details of your Access Point, click on the "Submit" button to conclude the creation process. Once your release is approved and is available for purchase, your fans will be able to consume the content or see the details of the offering.

Creating Event and Merchandisse Access Points (coming soon)

Event and Merchandise Access Points are in development. Existing Event and Merchandise Access Points remain visible in Backstage. We're working to enable full functionality soon.

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