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Checklist for your start at FAIRLING
Checklist for your start at FAIRLING
Luisa avatar
Written by Luisa
Updated over a week ago

This Help Center article is going to show you roughly, what you need for your start at FAIRLING. The basics which are relevant for your wholesale start and everything else that is important for your FAIRLING- profile will be discussed in this article.

1. A consistent brand concept

Before you begin, you should ask yourself if your brand can be understood by others. What should people be thinking of, when they hear about your brand? Which emotions should be associated with your brand? What is your USP? In our article about right branding, you can find a helpful checklist, which can assist you!

2. Aesthetic presentation of your products

Appealing pictures of your products will be one of the first things with which you will gain the attention of future customers. The pictures should portray the lifestyle feeling or the mood of your brand- Through this, customers are automatically interested compared to using very simple product photos. Your brand's personality should be delivered through the pictures e.g. youthful, sophisticated, athletic, dependable or trustworthy.

Here is an example of how your product pictures should ideally look like:

3. An appealing and convincing product catalogue

An important component of your FAIRLING presence is the product catalogue which contains further important information about your brand and the products.

It would be of an advantage to present the assortment of products in an aesthetically pleasing way, here you can find a template that our team has put together. You can use it for guidance.

The following should be included:

  • a small introduction into your brand, your USP, your background story and your team

  • your products with further information such as which materials are being used and what quality certifications they have

  • the prices of your products, the wholesale price and the recommended retail price

  • further conditions such as minimum order quantity and shipping

You can find further information about the contents of your product catalogue here.

4. Price lists

Another important component for a successful FAIRLING profile are price lists. These give potential buyers an overview of the wholesale prices and the manufacturer's suggested retail price of your products.

5. Captivating description texts

Your description text helps to bring your brand closer to the customer. It should preferably contain the following:

Story: Your brand story should touch the customers emotionally. Points that could be listed here are: How did your company start? Where did your brand name originate from? Who are you? Who is your team?

Essence: What is the driving force behind your company, what is your mission? What vision does your company have? What is your USP and why is your brand unique? What impact do you want to have with your brand?

Characteristics of your brand: What values does your brand convey? Is it produced locally or sustainably? What quality certifications does it have?

To learn more about a captivating and appealing description text, click here.

To find out how you can use the above content to make a convincing FAIRLING profile, you can click on here which will lead you to the article: How do I design a good profile?

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