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Email campaign setup

email, touchpoint, csv, Excel, contact list, metadata, email template

Michaela Isaksson avatar
Written by Michaela Isaksson
Updated over a week ago

You can import a CSV or Excel list of emails and send a survey to your contacts' inboxes immediately. The sender name, reply-to address, subject and message of the email can be customised and the first survey question will be embedded in the email. The respondent can answer the first question of the survey directly in the email, after which they will be directed to the page where they can complete the survey.

  1. After you have created your survey, choose Email campaign

  2. Move forward to the Options page, where you will set up the audience for your campaign 

  3. Start off with uploading your contacts (respondents) as an Excel or CSV file. The only required column is email. Note that you can save the uploaded list for later use by naming the contact list and clicking Save contacts

Note that you can easily add metadata to your email to, for example, identify users, segment your replies, get transaction details etc. Read more about adding metadata to your email campaign in this article's section: "3. Adding metadata via contact information for SMS and Email lists".

4. By default, the email ID of the respondent will be added to it's own column in the Response list. If you wish to keep the feedback anonymous, enable the anonymous campaigns shown in the picture below.

Note: Sometimes you want to be sure that when you publish a survey via Email that the respondent can only answer once on their device. Feedbackly strongly suggest you activate Allow only one response per contact. Read more about how to avoid duplicate answers by limiting one response per survey

5. After uploading the contact list you can add the content to your email;

  • Sender name

  • Reply-to address

  • Email subject

  • Message content

As you fill in the information, the content will be previewed on the right right so that you can follow at all times what your email campaign will look like to the respondent.

6. The Feedbackly multilingual campaign feature allows you to create and send out multilingual Email survey campaigns. With this feature you now longer need to create different Email templates for each language, as you can add as many language options to your template as needed. You can read more on setting up your multilingual campaign here

7. Note that after you have added the content you can save your template for later use. Save your template by clicking on the Save template button at the upper right side of the page. By doing this you can easily access the template by clicking Load a template. This will save you time and effort later on 

8. Move forward to Launch schedule from the bottom part of the page when you are set with the content

9. Choose if you wish to Launch immediately or Schedule to launch later. If you choose to launch immediately the last step is to make sure everything is as it should on the confirmation page after which you can move to the Launch page - and your survey will be sent 

Check out this article about scheduling your survey to be launched later.

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