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Organization structure

orgnaization, team, user roles, access

Michaela Isaksson avatar
Written by Michaela Isaksson
Updated over a week ago

The organization structure feature lets you change the organization structure and create new units/teams. Modifying the hierarchy is done by dragging and dropping.

Organization structure is multi-tiered so you can create “units” or “teams” inside the organization. This way your Organization admins can easily manage who has access to different parts of your organization and you can easily restrict access to only the feedbacks that they should be able to take part of.

Here is an example of how this works; Let's say your organization is called Feedbackly retail. You are collecting feedbacks from different teams/branches like e.g customer service, logistics and internal hr-surveys

You as the admin along with your management level colleagues would have access to all these teams. When again your customer service manager would have access only to the customer service feedbacks, the logistics manager would be able to access the feedbacks from the logistics team and your HR manager would be able to access the HR-survey feedbacks

When inviting new users you will invite them to specific teams. More on that can be found here

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