Timesheets, a feature found in the Enterprise program, allow you to track your active user's log-in/log-out and break times.
Timesheets are also available in the Fieldwork Office app. allowing your technicians to log in/out as well.
Time Sheets is found by clicking the More link at the top of the page.
Individuals logging in to the portal can only log in/out times for themselves
Only Admin users can see all active users and log in/out times for everyone.
Key points
Desktop Users
Fieldwork Office app users
Desktop Users
After logging into Fieldwork, click on the More option at the top. Select Time Sheets.
From the Time Sheets page. Select the Week of.
To add a time. Click on the Add Time button located under the day to open the Time Entry pop-up
Fieldwork Office app users
After logging into the Fieldwork Office app, verify you are on the Calendar view. At the bottom, click the Timesheet button. At any time to return to the Calendar view, click the List button.
NOTE: You can only enter times for the current day
To enter your "Clock in" time. Click on the clock in button. It will default to the device's current time. You can adjust it as needed, then click the Save button.
To enter a Break time, Click the Start button.
The Break note window will pop up. Enter a break note and save.
The Break timer will start. Once your break is over, click the Stop button. Your break time will be recorded.
NOTE: You can enter as many breaks as you like.