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Default property type

Don't worry about forgetting to change Choose Property Type...

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


Pick a default property type to be automatically selected when you create a new account.

Key Points

When creating a new customer the Location page allows you to select the property type. Selecting the correct property type is important to the techs in the field because it defines the target areas available in that Work Order.

If you don't change the property type and leave it at Choose Property Type... the target areas are not available and this causes problems for your techs when they're on site.

Pick a default property type to be automatically selected when you create a new account. 

Default Property Type

  1. In the Dashboard click the Settings gear icon.

  2. Click Property Types & Target Areas

  3. Click the property type you want to have as the default

  4. Put a check mark in Default Property Type

  5. Click Update Location

All new customers will now have that location preset when you create the account. 

Note If you create a new customer that is different from the default, you must change it to have it accurately reflect the new customer's property type.

Update All Unassigned Locations

You can also update all of your existing customers that have Choose Property Type... (no property type selected). 

On the same page, after you put a check mark in Default Property Type put a check mark in Update Unassigned Locations

This assigns this property type to all locations without a preexisting property type selected (the customers that have Choose Property Type... selected).

Before selecting this, put that Elmer Fudd voice in your head and be vewry vewry carefwul. All locations without a preexisting property type will be updated to the property type you choose regardless of their true property type.

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