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Mobile app - Units

Inspections specific to each unit within a building or structure

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago

This Multi-Unit feature is available in our Pro subscription plan.


Use the Units feature to service condos, apartments, hotels, hospitals, etc.

Key Points

  • Enter inspection information specific to each unit within a building or structure

  • Each unit will have its own service time, status and unit condition

  • Enter notes specific to each unit

  • Add materials and pest activity

  • Residents can sign for their service

To service the units in the mobile app, scroll to the bottom of the Work Order and tap Units

(Should you discover that you missed adding a unit when setting up the customer's location, you can tap Add and add a new unit there.)

Tap View all and the list of units and the dwellers names appears:

Note At this time the list does not sort in numeric order. You can quickly find a unit by entering the Unit number in the search box at the top.

Tap a unit entry and the Inspection page appears. 

  • Tap the box to the right of Service Time to enter the time

  • Tap Status to input the status 

  • Tap Unit Condition to input a condition 

  • Tap Notes to add notes, such as who let you in: Tenant, Super, Neighbor or Friend or unusual observances upon entering; odors, lots of pets, lots of pet odors, etc.

  • Tap Materials Use add to materials

  • Tap + ADD next to Pest Activity to add the pest. 

  • Tap Activity to enter the level of Activity

  • Tap Signature to have the person occupying the unit sign the work

  • Tap Save in the upper-right corner of Unit Inspection page to move on to the next unit.

Also watch this video to see how to set up Units. 

Continue on to: Mobile app - Diagram

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