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Fieldwork Office - Menu > Estimates

View, filter, print and schedule Estimates

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


From the menu tap Estimates. Estimates are available to view, email and print. Click the plus sign (+) to create a new Estimate.

Key Points

  • From the menu tap Estimates

  • Tap the Filter, Sort or Refresh icons at the top

  • Tap the plus sign (+) to create a new Estimate

  • Tap an Estimate to open it

  • Print or email the Estimate

Filter, Sort and Refresh Estimates

From the menu tap Estimates. Filter Estimates to narrow a search. Sort Estimates by date (newest to oldest and vise versa). Tap the Refresh circle to update the list.

Add New (+) Estimate

Tap the plus sign (+) in the upper right to create a new Estimate. Tap each field and enter the information. Tap Save to save the Estimate. Go to the Calendar to view the scheduled Estimate.

View an Estimate PDF and Print it

Tap an Estimate to open it. Tap the PDF icon to view the PDF. Tap the Printer icon to select the printer and either print in color or black and white.

Email an Estimate

Tap an Estimate to open it. Tap the envelope icon to email it.

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