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Fieldwork Office - Menu > Work Orders

View, filter and create Work Orders

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over a week ago


From the menu tap Work Orders. Work Orders are available to view, email and print. Click the plus sign (+) to create a new Work Orders.

Key Points

  • From the menu tap Work Orders

  • Tap the Filter, Sort or Refresh icons at the top

  • Tap the plus sign (+) to create a new Work Order

  • Tap a Work Order to open it and begin work

Filter, Sort and Refresh Work Orders

From the menu tap Work Orders. Filter Work Orders to narrow a search. Also filter Work Orders to search the Work Pool. Sort Work Orders by date (newest to oldest and vise versa). Tap the Refresh circle to update the list.

Add a New (+) Work Order

Add a new Work Order by tapping the plus sign (+) in the upper right. Either tap the customer's name or search for it. Tap each field to enter its information. Save the Work Order and tap Start Now to begin work immediately or tap < Back to see it in the Calendar.

Tap a Work Order to open it and Begin Work

Tap a Work Order to open it. Tap Start and proceed. For more information about completing the Work Order see: Fieldwork Office - Completing a Work Order

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