Add a Service Category filter, and click Any from the drop-down list. If you don't have categories, nothing happens. Add categories to your services in Settings/Services.
Key Points
Create categories to group similar services together
Search our reports by category to see how profitable services are as a whole
To create categories, edit each service and add a category in the edit page. For example, you might have three bed bug related services:
Bed Bug Inspection
Bed Bug Treatment
Bed Bug Follow-Up
Edit one of the services and type Bed Bug in the category box:
Repeat for the other two services. Using the Bed Bug example, over a given period you might have the following sales:
Bed Bug Inspection = $5,000
Bed Bug Treatment = $15,500
Bed Bug Follow-Up = $2,750
By using the Bed Bug Service Category filter, you can find that the group as a whole has $23,250 in sales.
Open a report that has a Service Category filter to search by that category.
Reports that have the Service Category filter include: