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Manage your team's to-do list with the Fieldwork Task feature.

Beau O'Hara avatar
Written by Beau O'Hara
Updated over 3 years ago


Create tasks such as follow-up phone calls, reviewing invoices or completed work order service reports, vehicle maintenance, company meetings and more.

Key Points

  • Create Task Types in Settings > Task Types

  • Create a task at Sales > Tasks

  • When you save a Task an email is sent to the person you assigned it to

  • If the task is assigned to a technician, it will also appear in the online Calendar and Fieldwork Office app Calendar

To set up your task list, from the Dashboard click the Settings gear icon and click Task Types.

Click the New Task Type button in the upper-right corner.

Enter the Task Type name and click the Create Task Type button.

The list of Task Types appear. 

To create a task, click Sales > Tasks.

Click the New Task button in the upper-right corner.

Enter the information about the task. Be descriptive and add as much information as necessary to reduce ambiguity. 

  • Due Date is when the task is due to be completed, Calendar Date is the assigned date to do the task. The dates can be the same or different, depending on the task.

  • Assigned To is the person who will do the task and an email is sent to this person when the Save button is clicked

  • Related to is the same as "in regards to" in a memo

  • Status is where the task is in process

When you click the Save button, an email is sent to the person that it was assigned to.

The tasks appear in the task page as they are created.

To see tasks assigned to people not on the Calendar, go to Sales > Tasks. If the task is assigned to a technician, it will also appear in the Calendar:

If your Calendar & Time label setting is set to On Click (Desktop) click the task once and the action items of the task appear. Otherwise, the full task window appears.

To modify the progress of a task or complete it, click Open task in the email or click the Edit button to the right of it in Sales > Tasks.

Click the status to change it.

A complete status is color coded green, the others are yellow. You can sort any of the columns by clicking the column header.

As with other components from the Dashboard > Sales you can filter a search with varying criteria. 


Work Order task

If a Task is created in Sales > Tasks and it is related to a customer, that task appears in the customer's Location Page > Tasks tab.

Create a task specific to a customer in the customer's Location Page, click the Task tab.

Click the New Task button to open the New Task dialog box.

Add a task to a Work Order by clicking the Task tab, and clicking the New Task button.


How to delete a task

  1. Go to the Sales > Tasks page

  2. Find the task you would like to delete in the list + click the down arrow to the right of the Edit button and click Delete. *see screenshot below:

Fieldwork's Task Feature Overview Videos:

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