Importing Data with the AI Assistant in FlowPath
This document provides an overview of how to use the AI assistant in FlowPath to import data, including locations, work orders, equipment, and more.
The AI assistant allows users to bulk create or update various types of data directly from any screen within FlowPath. This feature simplifies the import process by enabling users to interact with importer agents tailored for specific data types.
Steps to Import Data
Access Global Settings:
Navigate to the main dashboard and go to Global Settings.
Select the relevant section (e.g., Accounts or Locations) where an importer is available.
Using the AI Assistant:
From any screen, you can instruct the AI assistant to create or update data. For example, you can say, "Create these as locations."
Upload your location data file when prompted.
Connecting to Importer Agent:
The AI assistant will connect to the appropriate importer agent designed specifically for the data type you are working with (e.g., locations).
This agent is capable of processing both structured and unstructured data, allowing flexibility beyond the standard FlowPath template.
Reviewing and Modifying Data:
After the upload, you will receive a file that you can download and review.
You can communicate with the importer agent to make adjustments to the data. For instance, you may request to add a specific column (e.g., "add the count to all rows of FlowPath Elementary").
Finalizing the Import:
Once you have reviewed and made any necessary changes to the file, you can confirm the import.
The AI assistant will then handle the import process, allowing you to import other data types as needed.
Supported Data Types
The AI assistant can facilitate the bulk import of various data types, including:
Work Orders
Meter Readings
and more...
Using the AI assistant in FlowPath streamlines the data import process, allowing for easy manipulation and formatting of data before final import. This feature enhances user experience by providing flexibility and efficiency in managing data imports.