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Tracking Labor Hours
Tracking Labor Hours

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to track labor hours within a Work Order.

Brandon Cummings avatar
Written by Brandon Cummings
Updated over a week ago

From within a work order, you can easily track your work hours and labor hours. Multiple users can work on a single work order, and you can track the hours over multiple days.

2. Click into the work order or search for the work order.

3. Go to hours worked and select the edit pencil.

4. Click on the user the labor hours are for.

5. Click the "Timestamp*" field that will bring up a calendar and time. You can back date if needed as well as it will default for the date and time you are entering.

6. Click type of hours needing to be tracked and select.

7. To manual enter hours enter in the hours section.

8. Toggle on the timer if you want to use real time tracking.

9. Click "Start Timer"

10. Click "Submit" once labor hours are completed.

11. If you need to edit or want to delete an entry click the trashcan icon.

All labor hours will feed into the FlowPath reporting suite, under the Labor Hours reporting module, to help you quickly and efficiently track labor hours per work order.

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