In Basic Counts and Advanced Counts, your voter list may be filtered using the Phone Numbers category to automatically include voter records with High Reliability Mobile or High Reliability Landline phone numbers with High Telephone Reliability.
Go to Advanced Counts > Expert Phones to select more specific categories for customizing your phone list, including Phone Number Provider, Match Level, and Phone Append Date.
Using Phone Reliability
Phone Reliability scores measure the degree of confidence for matching a specific phone number with a voter record, applying the provided raw Telephone Reliability Code (TRC) value. Use Advanced Counts > Expert Phones > Telephone Reliability Code to target voters with a specific TRC code.
January 2024 Update: Primary Phones are now assigned the following roll-up values based on the phone vendor's original Telephone Reliability Code (TRC).
High Contactability: includes Telephone Reliability Code ranges 7 to 9 and "High" to "Highest" Reliability from other phone providers.
Medium Contactability: includes Telephone Reliability Code 6 and "Medium" Reliability from other phone providers.
Low Contactability: includes Telephone Reliability Code ranges 5 and lower and "Low" to "Lowest" Reliability from other phone providers.
Unverified/No Phone Number Available indicates phone numbers which were not assigned a Reliability score, were provided from a data source that does not assign Reliability scores, or the data source did not provide a phone number.
Excluding Do Not Call Phones
Go to Advanced Counts > Expert Phones > Phone Type to add the Exclude Do Not Call (DNC) filter to exclude records listed on the FTC National Do Not Call Registry from a voter list. While political calls are allowed for phone numbers on the registry, filtered records can be used to enhance phone contact lists. Separate Home Phone DNC and Cell Phone DNC fields are provided in Phone List exports to identify DNC phone numbers.
Exporting Phone Records
After you've acquired your count results, the four phone type fields will be included in the Phone List style or can be selected from the User Defined List option. All export styles will include the Primary Landline and Mobile Phone values in separate columns. Separate Telephone Reliability Code values for Home Phone and Cell Phone are provided in the Phone List and User Defined List styles. Do Not Call fields for Home Phone DNC and Cell Phone DNC are provided in the Phone List style to identify phone numbers in the FTC National Do Not Call Registry.
Phone Detail List
All available phone number values can be exported into a detailed voter list that includes phone numbers, Reliability, Match Level, Append Dates, and more by phone provider type. Please refer to the Advanced Counts: Expert Phones article for more information.