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Voter Information: Voter Models

How to use Voter Model scores for filtering voter lists

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over 4 months ago

Using voter identification project data and from other sources, Voter Models rank voters using a scale of 0 to 100 or a "net" score of -100 to 100 for filtering voter lists and classifying voter records for voter tag universes. Voter Model scores may be selected from both the Basic Counts and Advanced Counts tools using a slider interface to filter a score range for each Voter Model. RNC provides the majority of Voter Models, and many states include specific models for issues and candidates.

Advanced Counts 2022 Voter Model slider

Voter Model Scores

Generally, voters with a higher Voter Model score better match with the issue, party affiliation, candidate support or turnout level being measured. For example, voters with a Net Party score between 40 and 100 would more likely have an affiliation with GOP candidates and voters with scores between -40 and -100 would be more likely to affiliate with Democrat candidates. Voters with Turnout scores between 60 and 100 are more likely to turn out for upcoming elections.

Voter Model Responses

Voter Model scores are generally determined through responses from voter contact surveys or other programs (updated April 2023).

  • 2022-Net Abortion Restrictions: Do you agree or disagree that abortion should be legal at any time for any reason during a normal nine-month pregnancy? IF CHOICE: Would you say that is strongly or somewhat agree / disagree?

  • 2022-Net Border Security: Do you believe the situation at the U.S. southern border is more of: a humanitarian crisis, where we need to accept refugees coming from countries in turmoil, OR a security crisis, where we need to stop the flow of illegal drugs and undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S.?

  • 2022-Net Criminal Justice Lenient Policy: Which of the following statements comes closest to your view on the justice system, even if neither is exactly right: Backgrounds should be considered when charging and sentencing people for crimes in order to account for systemic racism OR Crime in our communities is a direct result of policies that are too lenient on criminals?

  • 2022-Net Inflation Biden: Do you believe the rising cost of living we are currently experiencing is more likely due to: a combination of economic factors, including pent-up consumer demand and corporate greed, OR Biden administration policies and government spending?

  • 2022-Net Fix Economy GOP: Thinking about the economy, who would you trust more to be responsible for an economic recovery: Republicans, Democrats, or Neither party?

  • 2022-Net Generic Congressional Ballot: If the November 2022 election for United States Congress was being held today, for whom would you vote – the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate?

  • 2022-Net President Biden Approval: Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Joe Biden is doing as President? IF CHOICE: Would you say that is strongly or somewhat approve / disapprove?

  • 2022-Net Fiscal Conservative: Still thinking about that party, would you say your personal views on fiscal issues are more conservative, more progressive, or about in line with the average member of that party?

  • 2022-Net Social Conservative: Now thinking about that party, would you say your personal views on social issues are more conservative, more progressive, or about in line with the average member of that party?

  • 2022-Net Party: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or something else?

  • 2022-Turnout General 2022: In November of 2022, all 50 states will be holding general elections for federal offices, including U.S. Congress. Thinking ahead to these elections, how likely would you say it is that you will vote – extremely likely, very likely, somewhat likely, or not at all likely?

  • 2022-Net Vote Type: Thinking back over past elections, which answer best describes how you voted? Straight Democratic, Mostly Democratic, About equally for both parties, Mostly Republican, or Straight Republican.

Voter Model Score Report

The Voter Model Score Report displays voter information and demographic statistics for a selected Voter Model, which can be drilled down by political geography. Go to Tools > Voter Model Score Report, select a Voter Model, choose a political geography level, and click on Submit. Use the Export option to download report results into a CSV (comma-separated values) file that can be loaded into a spreadsheet or database application.

California Voter Model Definitions

Use this link to download the definitions for 2024 California GOP Voter Models and Universe Tags:

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