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Voter Information: Voter Tags

How to use Voter Tags for identification and filtering voter lists

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over 3 months ago

Voter Tags is a powerful data tool for targeting and filtering voters, used for identifying specific voter characteristics which are not provided in the original voter data. Tags assigned to matched voter records are retained through database updates, and many tags have existed for over twenty years as VoterVault affiliations.

Assigning Voter Tags

Voter records can be assigned Voter Tags in three general methods:

  1. Direct data postings from the RNC, State Parties or campaigns

  2. Voter file uploads using the Upload Tool

  3. User updates using the Find a Voter tool

Filtering Voter Tags

Use the Basic Counts or Advanced Counts tools to select one or more tags to apply for your voter list. For example, to pull a list of voters who were listed as volunteers, select the tag from the Tag List and add it to your selection criteria. Tags may also be selected using a Date Range based on when the tag was assigned to the record.

Advanced Counts Tag result

Tag Universes

Special Tag Group Universes are created to be applied as a separate selection category in Advanced Counts and are also used for Universe Reports. In most instances, Voter Model scores are rolled-up into different Universe Tags, or they may be used to categorize a series of voters for supporting candidates and issues.

Advanced Counts RNC Universe Tag filter

California Universe Tag Definitions

Use this link to download the definitions for 2024 California GOP Voter Models and Universe Tags:

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