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Advanced Counts: Overview

Create a voter list using multiple selection queries

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a month ago

The Advanced Counts tool features a drag-and-drop interface to create voter lists which can use complex sets of voter data selection criteria. Your count results are calculated for each selection group you add to aid you in refining your queries.

The Advanced Counts tool works best when using a desktop browser including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, and Mozilla Firefox. To use the interface, select a criteria item from the Sidebar and drag it into the Group box. Follow the prompts to select other options for filtering your criteria. Your Advanced Count criteria may be saved to be applied in a new count at a later time.

Adding new Voter Criteria:

  1. Select the category from the sidebar to open the criteria selections.

  2. Click on a filter option and drag it into an open Add Criteria box. A pop-up window may appear to prompt you to refine your data selections.

  3. Choose the Equals/Doesn't Equal toggle to include or exclude the selection from your total count.

  4. Click and drag other criteria to empty Criteria boxes as needed. Choose the And/Or toggle to group or separate your voter selection (see below).

  5. Results for each selected Criteria, Group, and Total Count are calculated for voters and households, which are re-calculated with every new Criteria selection as they are added. Larger voter counts may take a few seconds to appear with new calculated results.

  6. Select the Edit link to change the specific criteria or add new filters. Click Delete to remove the Criteria from the Group window.

  7. Create a new selection Group by dragging over new criteria selections into an empty Group box.

  8. Select the Trash Can icon to remove all of the Criteria from the Group box.

  9. Click Preview List to view a quick demographic breakdown of your total count results in a pop-up window.

  10. Select Export a File to set up your voter list for a spreadsheet or text file export. You may also Create a Call List or Create Survey (when applicable).

The And/Or toggle option allows you to group a set of criteria together or create distinct selection sets which will be combined for the total count.

For example, to filter Hard Republicans who also cast an Absentee Ballot in the 2020 General election, use the AND toggle.ย 

Using the OR toggle will return voters who are either Hard Republicans or cast an Absentee Ballot in the 2020 General election. The voter count results are going to be considerably higher than the previous count.

Using the Interactive Map

Go to Geography > Custom Geography to load the Interactive Map tool. Use the map to zoom into a street-level area for selecting voters into a new Custom Criteria for your count.

Saving your Count

After you have set up your count criteria, select Save Query to retain your selections for another Advanced Counts session. Name your Count Query when prompted. Go to My Data > My Saved Counts to view and modify your count criteria for a new voter list.

Previewing your Count Results

Select Preview to view aggregated results by Age Range, Gender, Official Party (when provided), and Calculated Party. Use the Geography Report for detailed demographic, voter information, and vote history results in your state, selected district, or precinct.

Exporting your Voter List

Select Export File to set up your voter list to be exported as a spreadsheet. Follow the prompts in the Export Options page to choose the export style, household options, the file name, and export file type. Use the default options to create a Mailing List.

About Export Limits

Your account may have been assigned an export limit that prevents exporting individual records greater than the assigned export limit. Use count filters to reduce your overall count results to bypass the limit. Contact your data director to request changing your assigned export limit if necessary.

Creating a Precinct Call List

Select Call List to create a simplified contact list report for each precinct in your count selection. The Precinct Call List is best utilized with count results that contain less than ten precincts.

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