Go to Tools > Basic Counts to set up a new count, preview count results, and export data into a spreadsheet or Precinct Call List. Please note that the below demo video is silent and may not include new features and interface updates.
Follow these steps to create a new Basic Count. Your user account may be restricted for access to certain geography or features; please check with your data administrator to update your user credentials.
Setting up your Count Criteria
Open a Criteria Section for the following options:
Geography Criteria: select County/Parish, Congressional District (CD), State Senate District (SD), State Legislative District (LD), and Custom Districts when provided
Precinct Criteria: select Precincts by County/Parish, CD, SD, and LD
Voter Info Criteria: select Party Affiliations, Age, Gender, and other voter attributes
Phone Number Criteria: select Mobile and Landline phone numbers with High Reliability
Voter Registration Criteria: select Registration Status, Last Activity Date, and Registration Date when provided
Voter Frequency Criteria: select voter propensity scores for Overall, Primary, and General elections as well as Absentee Status values
Vote History Criteria: select voter history by election and ballot type
Voter Models: use sliders to select voter model score ranges
Tags Criteria: select Tags to include or exclude by Tag Name or Added Date range
National Tags Criteria: include or exclude tags using National Tag criteria
Household Criteria: filter records by Household Status (Head of Household, Household Member, or Single Member) and Household Member Count
Microtargeting Criteria: apply Microtargeting Model criteria when provided
Other Criteria: select Ethnicity values when provided
Survey Criteria: select historical survey data by Contact Code or Responses
Select the checkbox for each criteria attribute to include in your count. For example, selecting Calculated Party "Hard Republican" and "Weak Republican" will include all GOP-affiliated voters. Selections from multiple criteria will reduce the count results to join all selected criteria attributes. For example, selecting CD 1 and Strong Republican will result in all Strong Republican voters assigned to CD 1.
Preview Count Results
Click Preview Count to review the results of your count criteria at any time. The Save Query, Create List, and Export Count options will become active when the count results are above zero records. Review and update your selection criteria if no records are found.
Save Query
You can save your Count Query to be applied in other user sessions. Go to My Data > My Saved Counts to load previously saved count queries.
Create List
Count results that contain a maximum of ten precincts may be downloaded into Precinct Call List files for each precinct. The Precinct Call List contains simplified voter contact information that can be saved as a PDF or Word document.
Export Count
Set up and export voter data into a downloadable spreadsheet or Access database file with list style and householding options.