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Admin: Manage Geography

How to create and manage Geographic Permissions to assign to user accounts

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a week ago

Users can be granted statewide access or limited access with specific geographic permissions, from selected precincts, counties/parishes, or districts. Geographic permissions are assigned to the user account from Admin > Manage Users.

Geographic Permissions assign access to voter records for the Geography's largest district type. For example, a user assigned to Congressional District 1 will be able to view voters and select count criteria for any district inside CD 1, including county, SD, LD, and precincts. A user assigned to only one or more precincts will only be able to use precinct criteria for Basic/Advanced Counts queries.

Level of Access by District Type

District Type

Alternate District Names

Level of Access



CD, SD, LD, Precinct

Congressional District (CD)

US Representative

County, SD, LD, Precinct

Senate District (SD)

State Senate, Upper House

County, CD, LD, Precinct

Legislative District (LD)

State House, Assembly

County, CD, SD, Precinct


Election District

Precinct only

Custom District

Varies by state

Custom District only

Creating or Modifying Geographic Permissions

Go to Admin > Manage Geography and use Quick Find to search for an existing Geography Name. Click the magnifying glass icon to view and edit the Geographic Permission details.

If the Quick Find search fails to return any results, select Add Geography to create a new Geographic Permission. Add the new Geography Name in the text box.

Use the Delete option to remove any Geography that has not been assigned to any user accounts. The Geographic Permission must be removed from all assigned user accounts before the Geographic Permission can be deleted.

Saving Geographic Permissions

Follow the prompts to add or modify geographic permissions for the Geography:

Select County: choose one or more counties or parishes to assign. Click OK to save your changes.

Select Congressional District: choose one or more CDs to assign. Click OK to save changes.

Select Legislative District: choose one or more LDs to assign. Click OK to save changes.

Select Senate District: choose one or more SDs to assign. Click OK to save changes.

Select Precincts By

County: choose the County/Parish and select one or more precincts. Numerical precincts will be listed under the "All" link, and select the Alpha link for precinct names starting with a letter. Click Save to retain your changes.

CD: choose the CD and then any precincts within the district.

SD: choose the SD and then any precincts within the district.

LD: choose the LD and then any precincts within the district.

Select Custom Districts

Click the link for the Custom District type you want to include and choose from the district list. Click OK to update your changes.

Please note that only one Custom District type may be added for a Geography Name, but multiple Custom Districts can be selected for one type. For example, a user can be assigned School Boards 101 and 102, but a County Council District cannot get added to the same Geography Name.

When the Geographic Permissions have been added to the Geography Name, select Save to create or update the Geographic Permission.

Assigning Geographic Permissions to Users

Go to Admin > Manage Users, search for the user account, and load the account details. From the Data Sets Allowed section, click on Data Set Permissions.

Assigning Data Sets in Manage Users

When prompted, choose the State Data Set to assign the permissions. Then choose from these options:

No access is permitted: prevents the user from accessing the full data set

Access granted; See all voters: grants the user full statewide access with no geographic restrictions

Access granted; See voters for selected Geographies: select one or more Geography Names from the list.

Use Save to retain your changes and Go Back to return to the Manage Users page.

Use Copy to All Data Sets for setting up the user to access all data sets assigned to your administrator account. For example, if your account is assigned to all states (nationwide), the user will also have nationwide access. If your account accesses two states, the user can access the same two states.

A user can be assigned different data set access using the Data Sets Permissions toggle. For example, a user can be assigned full statewide access in one state and assigned only a Congressional District in another state.

If a user should be assigned full statewide access and already has geographic permissions added to the account, remove any selected geographic permissions to reset the user with access to All Voters.

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