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Advanced Counts: Using Geography

How to filter your voter list with counties, precincts, and districts

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a year ago

Voter lists can be filtered using the Basic Counts and Advanced Counts tools to target your voters in specific areas. Your user account is set up to access specific geographic areas, and not all geographic filters described in this article may be available in your state or against your user access. Contact your State Party's data director for more information or to change your user credentials.


The Precinct or Election District is the smallest geographic location used in the voter database. Click and drag the options for By County, By CD (Congressional District), By LD (State Legislative District) or By SD (State Senate District) to select the Precinct Name for your list. Precincts may be subdivided by Ward, Ballot Box or other jurisdictional areas.

Advanced Counts Precincts selections


Use Geography filters to create a voter list for one or more counties, districts or other geographic selections as described below. Some states and jurisdictions may use different terms for describing political geography.


Select and drag County to add one or more County Names (or Parish Names) for your list based on your account's geographic permissions.


  • Congressional Districts (CD): Select and drag CD to add Congressional Districts

  • State Senate Districts (SD): Select and drag SD to add State Senate Districts (or Upper House Districts)

  • Legislative Districts (LD): Select and drag LD to add Legislative Districts (or Lower House Districts)

Custom Districts

Many states use Custom Districts for adding County Council Districts, School Districts, Townships, and other geographic areas.

New Map/Previous Map Custom Districts

To support recent redistricting changes, "New Map" Custom Districts for Congressional Districts (CD), State Senate Districts (SD), and State House Districts (LD) are being provided for states which have adopted new district boundaries. The New Map Custom Districts are provided as Basic/Advanced Counts selection criteria to create lists for voters who may get relocated to new districts. When fully redistricted voter records are provided, Custom Districts will be changed into "Previous Map" CD/SD/LD values for reference.

Custom Geography

Use an interactive map to select a group of voters. Please refer to this article for more information on using the Interactive Map feature in Advanced Counts.

Advanced Counts Interactive Map sample

Other geography:

  • City: add the City Name from the voter's registered address

  • Zip Code: add the Zip Code from the voter's registered address

  • Census Block: add the Census Block value

  • DMA: add the Designated Market Area (or Media Market)

  • Turf: add the RNC Turf ID when provided

Geographic Permissions

Your user account may contain geographic permissions which will allow partial access for a geographic area. For example, if your account is assigned for Congressional District 1, you may select the voters inside a county which are in CD 1.

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