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2024 Redistricting Updates

How to apply new districts for your voter lists

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a year ago

GOP Data Center state databases are updated with new redistricting for Congressional Districts (CD), State Senate Districts (SD), and State House/Legislative Districts (LD) when new voter records are provided. Voter records will contain the updated district values, and "Previous Map" values will be added as Custom Districts for creating voter lists using the Basic Counts and Advanced Counts data tools. Precincts will be updated accordingly using the new district values.

Please note legal or legislative decisions may alter or remove assigned District values after they have been added to the state database. Records will contain the most recent data provided by the RNC.

Using Custom Districts

Custom Districts apply a special data subset for filtering voter records by districts or geographic regions which are not provided in the standard voter file. Users may access Custom Districts in the following methods:

  1. Geography criteria for Basic Counts and Advanced Counts. Go to Geography > Custom Districts and select the appropriate Custom District for your query.

  2. Exports. Select the User Defined List style option from Export Options to include one or more Custom Districts in your voter list.

  3. User Geographic Permissions. Your user account may have been assigned one or more Custom Districts for your data access.

  4. Voter Details. View a voter's assigned Custom Districts from the Find a Voter tool under the District Info section.

Users assigned to small data sets such as counties and precincts may not be able to access all voters in a redistricted district. For example, if you are assigned to Congressional District 1 and redistricted voters have been moved into Congressional District 2, you will only be able to access the current voter records within the boundaries of Congressional District 1. Check with your data administrator about updating your user credentials as necessary for your data projects.

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